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Gap Titan DX vertical. Really performs great for a vertical antenna.

8 Band Multiband DX Antenna



  • Bands
  • 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m and 100 KHz on 80m
  • Bandwidth -- Under 2:1
  • Entire band on 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m
  • 100KHz on 80m
  • Height -- 25 ft
  • Wind Load -- 5.5 sq/ft
  • Weight -- 25 lbs
  • Mount : All hardware supplied except the 1 1/4" O.D. steel mast
  • Counterpoise : 4 rigid counterpoises 80" long each
  • Ground Area Required : None


    The Titan is a center fed GAP vertical, that provides a host of benefits in a rugged, yet manageable form. The Titan offers broad, continuous frequency coverage in a no tune, easy to assemble format. Designed to work in a limited space or as the perfect compliment to an antenna farm.

    One of the primary virtues of the Titan is the GAP center feed. By elevating the feed the earth loss is dramatically decreased, which means the RF is going out to make the contact instead of into the ground to warm the earth. Reducing the earth loss eliminates the need for a radial system. The Titan requires NO RADIALS.

    Another key benefit the Titan provides is the ability to go virtually anywhere in the HF amateur spectrum, at anytime without having to make any adjustments. The Titan is the ONLY antenna marketed with total continuous coverage under 2:1 on 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m and 100 KHz on 80m. Titan's broad bandwidth and no tune feature make it an ideal antenna for getting those multipliers during contests or switching frequencies as band conditions change.

    The Titan is a respectable 25' tall and weighs a solid 25 pounds. The Titan is configured to mount easily on a 11/4" O.D. mast. This mast can be a length of your choosing and since the feedpoint is elevated this mast can be as short as a foot.

    The first 8' of the antenna is comprised of double wall tubing and where the Titan mounts to the mast the antenna is triple wall! Which means guys are not a necessity. But I have'em anyways 'cause mine swings more than Glenn Miller : - )

    Gap Titan DX