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This is K4JRG's
Rotor Control DXA USB.
A computer interface for the Yaesu DXA rotators

Rotor Control USB is our project to interface the Yaesu DXA series rotors to a PC USB port. The device employs a subset of the standard Yaesu GS-232 protocol so it can be used with off-the-shelf logging and rotor control software.

There's also a menu driven interface that can control the rotor by using a simple terminal emulator like Hyperterminal, included with Windows versions.

This product is proudly made in USA.

The philosophy behind a yet-another-rotor-control is to make an affordable and easy to use package.

The price was set based on material and assembly time costs, shipping/handling plus a very small profit as an incentive to produce it. The R&D investment and the many hours of software development is our donation to the Amateur Radio community.

The entire package, including worldwide USA shipping and handling is $100 for the USB Azimuth model.

We have a very limited stock of these hand-built devices. The order link below will be removed if stock is depleted. Please download the user's manual - which is only available online - before you place the order. Thanks!

Quantity in stock:

Azimuth model: 0

It is with great regret that we have suspended shipping outside USA due to inability of tracking packages and ensure their delivery.

Please do not order if your shipping address is outside USA.


  • 360° fully automatic, software driven rotor azimuth control

  • Easy, menu driven calibration - all done in firmware

  • Full 'plug and play' without opening your rotor control box or PC

  • Manual rotor controls will operate concurrently

  • User selected 'Start Delay' to reduce mechanical stress

  • Auto ramp up/down speeds for smooth start/stop movements

  • User selected maximum rotational speed

  • Compatible with most rotor control software that support Yaesu rotors

  • Menu driven operation using standard terminal program

  • Self-contained, microcontroller based

  • Firmware is field upgradable via simple flash process

  • 1° movement accuracy if your rotator supports it (most do)

  • USB connection to your PC. No power supply needed.

  • Custom USB driver (included) makes it compatible with legacy serial port software
    The user's manual and drivers are available online.

    73 de K4JRG
    Rotor Control DXA USB

    Rotor Control DXA is out of production

    Warranty period for existing customer will be, of course, honored but no new devices will be made.

    We appreciate everyone's support over the many years and suggest alternatives listed in the eHam.net website: